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Vascular Health

Leg Pains and Vascular health

Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) is a condition associated with narrowing of the arteries to the legs. Mild cases of PVD may cause nothing more serious than sluggish circulation and cold feet. Serious complications such as ulcers and pain in the calf muscles can arise. Recently a study found that PVD is associated with low levels of vitamin C in the body. A higher intake of vitamin C may help prevent or slow down the development of PVD.

Those with symptoms of peripheral vascular disease are caused by the leg muscles not getting enough blood and symptoms depend partly on which artery is affected and to what extent blood flow is restricted. The most common symptom of peripheral vascular disease in the legs is pain in one or both calves, thighs, or hips. The pain usually occurs while you are walking or climbing stairs and stops when you rest. Narrowed or blocked arteries cannot supply more blood, so the muscles are deprived of oxygen and other nutrients and the muscles' demand for blood increases during exercise. This pain is called intermittent claudication. It is usually a dull, cramping pain. It may also feel like a heaviness, tightness, or tiredness in the muscles of the legs. Cramps that start with exercise and stop with rest most likely are due to intermittent claudication. Other symptoms of peripheral vascular disease include the following: numbness, tingling, or weakness in the legs; a leg sore that will not heal; cold feet; loss of hair on the legs; impotence.

Possibly through its antioxidant effect, vitamin C protects adulterated cholesterol from depositing out on the artery wall. Vitamin C is known to be very important to keep the lining of the arteries strong and healthy and a lack of vitamin C could lead to damage and leakiness of the artery walls. 500 – 1000 mg of vitamin C, twice a day is likely to offer protection if taken in the long term. Individuals with intermittent claudication may also benefit from doses of between 400 – 1000 IU of vitamin E per day.Herbal remedies can often improve vascular circulation.

Vascular health problems can also result in swollen ankles, leg pains on standing, varicose veins, night cramps and restless legs. Swollen ankles are often a sign of excess fluid leakage from the veins and insufficient drainage by the lymph system. Horse Chestnut is one herbal remedy that can reduce fluid leakage and associated leg pain. Leg pain induced by standing and varicose veins may be a result of problems with the ‘non-return valves’ in the arteries and again horse Chestnut or Red Vine leaves may relieve some symptoms. Muscle pains, cramps and restless legs can often be reduced by magnesium supplementation. Raynaud’s syndrome in the feet may be helped by Ginkgo Biloba or Cayenne-the latter can help other circulation problems.

Chronic Vein Insufficiency (CVI) is the most common vein problem that people experience with their legs. It might be a sign that you have more serious problems that should be checked by your doctor. Varicose veins occur when blood in the veins flows back into the legs, rather than traveling to the heart.  Varicose veins are not life-threatening, but they can be uncomfortable and affect your quality of life. You might not have heard of CVI, but you’ve probably heard of varicose veins and spider veins. They are caused by CVI, a problem in the vein that causes blood to flow back into the legs instead of completing its journey to the heart.

Itermittent claudication may be helped significantly by the herbal complex PADMA.


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