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Psoriasis is a complex, reoccurring autoimmune disorder characterized by red, flaky patches on the skin..Psoriasis can cause cells to multiply 1,000 times faster than normal skin cells. These extra cells then pile up to cause the silvery scaling that is the hallmark of this condition.There are many different forms of Psoriasis and symptoms of psoriasis can vary vastly from patient to patient. This can include red patches of skin covered with silvery scales, small scaling spots, dry, cracked skin that may bleed, itching, burning or soreness, thickened, pitted or ridged nails and swollen, stiff joints.

Even though there is no cure, many treatments exist to ease the symptoms. Dietary supplements may help ease psoriasis symptoms from the inside. Sufferers have been found to be lacking in both vitamin A, Zinc, and Vitamin D. It is common for people with psoriasis to be deficient in essential fats because the disorder causes their bodies to use more of them than they would normally. Fish oil, vitamin D, milk thistle, and evening primrose oil have been reported to help some sufferers. Changing the diet to avoid certain foods, such as the gluten in wheat, which can exacerbate the problem, and taking even more care with the products being used to wash the skin and keep it clean. Vitamin D, which the body makes when exposed to natural light especially sunshine, can also help. Sufferers should also take steps to support digestion and liver functioning

Recent studies have suggested that the health of the intestine and colon greatly affects psoriasis. Intestinal imbalances may not only cause psoriasis to flare up, but also exacerbate a host of other autoimmune and inflammatory conditions. When organs like the kidneys and liver cannot effectively filter toxins from the blood, other organs like the skin and lungs take over the job of filtration. When this occurs, toxins, which usually are excreted through the urine, end up on the surface of the skin and exacerbate existing conditions like acne, psoriasis, and eczema.

Treating psoriasis nutritionally can involve three different approaches - a combination of all four usually works best: 

  • Reducing the autoimmune reaction

  • Improving overall health of the skin

  • Detoxification

Psoriasis is frequently referred to as a "T-cell mediated disease. The reaction to antigens causes high levels of cytokines in certain skin cells and the inflammation disorder causes more production of skin cells in order to reduce the disorder. To reduce the imbalance of T-cells or even TH cells, then an immune balancer may prove useful. Moducare has had good results with plaque type psoriasis. Many auto-immune disorders are more prevalent with low vitamin but oral vitamin D may not always reduce psoriasis. Sun induced Vitamin D may reduce the skin problems. Most auto-immune induced problems benefit from high potency probiotics over the long term and these also may reduce the levels of food intolerances.

Improving the overall health of the skin requires essential fatty acids( particularly Omega 6) and zinc. Omega 3 derivatives such as fish oil can dampen inflammation and about 3g/day is required. Food intolerance tests are generally helpful to identify other dietary factors affecting skin health. Turmeric  herb is being frequently studied for its powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric also has the ability to alter TNF cytokine expression. This is the likely reason some patients find it helpful in minimizing psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis flares.

Mahonia is a powerful antimicrobial herb that plays a role in immune response. Studies show that applying a cream containing 10% mahonia is effective in treating mild to moderate psoriasis. Propolis cream may also reduce skin lesions in moderate psoriasis.

Detoxifying your body - specifically your blood and your liver can make a substantial reduction for you in the severity and duration of a psoriasis flare up.  Because an accumulation of toxins in the body creates added stress on your immune system, it is important for all autoimmune disorders – not just psoriasis -  to detoxify several times a year.   Use a combination of the herbs red clover, burdock, and dandelion to cleanse the blood.  For liver cleansing, use milk thistle; it has been clinically proven to help in even severe cases of psoriasis.  Use glutamine to support the health of the intestinal lining and to prevent leaky gut, as leaky gut also puts added stress on the immune system.

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