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The thyroid release hormones that influence many bodily functions, such as physical growth and development, metabolism, puberty, organ function, fertility and body temperature. These functions depend on two hormones released from the thyroid gland: tri-iodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). The thyroid gland can produce too much of these hormones (hyperthyroidism) or not enough (hypothyroidism). These thyroid hormones play a vital role in the body, thereby influencing all organs. They also determine how fast or how slow the organs should work and when the body systems use energy. An underactive thyroid is the more common disorder.

If you are having problems in controlling weight, feel the cold particularly, forever fatigued and have dry skin, then  you may need to give your thyroid health more consideration. Sadly, aspects of thyroid function are too often ignored by conventional medical practice, or assume that synthetic levothyroxine is sufficient redress.

You need two critical nutrients to fuel your thyroid and get your energy levels, weight, focus, and life back on track again. You need iodine and L-tyrosine. To optimise its function you may also need additional Selenium, vitamin E and vitamin D. The secondary impacts of a prolonged low thyroid on the adrenal system, and in consequence being low in the cellular nutrient Co-enzyme Q10, will cause more fatigue and loss of concentration(‘brain fog’). A deficiency in Vitamin A and in association with Zinc can also affect thyroid function.

A blood sample is a screening method for any thyroid disorder. A blood analysis will help determine the levels of T4 and T3 that exist in the blood and can provide a picture of how the thyroid is functioning.

Even people with an apparent "normal" thyroid test result can still have a slow thyroid.Thyroid tests can often come back normal or sub clinical although the thyroid is not functioning as it should be and all the symptoms of hypothyroidism are experienced. This is because a normal result on tests only indicates that the thyroid functioning falls within the average or slightly below average range. Because thyroid functioning can vary from person to person, what may be normal for one person is not necessarily so for the next person. Although thyroid disorders can be life-long conditions, most are easy to manage but complications can occur if they are left untreated or if the incorrect treatment is used.

Holistic and natural treatment programs can help overcome a variety of thyroid conditions and symptoms. A healthy diet, exercise, meditation and other mind-body therapies have given many patients relief and comfort. Many natural and alternative remedies can also be investigated as a broader treatment plan that addresses the cause of the disorder, and not just the symptoms.

100s The thyroid gland manufactures thyroid hormone, which regulates the metabolism which determines how fast the body burns calories and how...

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L-Tyrosine 500 mg Vegetable Capsules is one of Solgar's premium-quality amino acids. view larger image L-Tyrosine 500 mg Vegetable Capsules...

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Vitamin A

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