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TEL: 01928 735151
Address: 101 Main Street, Frodsham, WA6 7AB

Age & Gender Health

Children, and adults have different nutrient requirements at different stages of life and especially as the risks increase of deterioration from ageing effects. For children there is a requirement for lower amounts of many nutrients to take into account their body mass. Precaution should be taken with some herbal remedies for children and in particular pregnancy-mainly because their effects and potential side effects have not been assessed. Most 'over the counter' homoeopathic remedies can be used on  all ages and in most situations. Flower remedies equally can be used for all situations where emotional support is required.

For male and female support, the main difference is the impact of hormonal changes. PMT and menopause nutrition for women varies according to the symptoms experienced and the likely factors for these variations. Changes to a woman's physiology due to lower oestrogen levels, post menopause, has to be taken into account especially as HRT is provided for a limited duration. For males, it is most likely to be the effects of lower testosterone and the ageing of prostate that can affect general health.There are natural remedies which are available to support all these changes in hormones. Susceptibility to changes in health from hormonal changes will be dependent on diet and intolerance to certain food types.

Solgar Vitamin B-6 50mg Tablets 100
OptiBac Probiotics For babies & children - Sachets
Solgar Folate 400 ug
Solgar Kangavites Multivitamin for Children (Bouncin' Berry) Chewable Tablets 60
Sambucol Kids
Solgar Kangavites Chewable Vitamin C 100mg Tablets 90
Out of stock
Bioforce Agnus Castus
Optibac For Women 14 capsules
Zinc Picolinate
Natures Plus Animal Parade Chewable
Solgar L-Arginine
Mumomega Pregnancy Capsules
Natures Plus Animal Parade Baby Plex
Fertility for Men
Fertility for Women PRO-CONCEPTION
Complete EFA Capsules
ViridiKid Multivitamin & Mineral
Solgar Female Multiple Tablets 60
Solgar Male Multiple Tablets 60
Solgar Comfort Zone Digestion complex
Solgar ABC dophilus
Out of stock
Solgar Botanical Female Complex V
Solgar muliplus vision
Solgar Formula VM-Prime for Women Tablets 90
Omega 7
Good health Naturally Prescript Probiotic
Pharmanord pycnogenol